In someone’s dream….

last night I was in some one else’s dream…..I tip toed in his world and looked around the corners…in his cupboard…under the bed….his year book….his laundry….his sketch book..where every page had an eye scribbled on it….most of the eyes were shut….i kept flipping the pages of the sketch book in order to find a sketch where the eye was wide open……….

What’s that shiny thing in your hand!!!

Yup…its the latest model of swanky new smart phone. HomoSapien’s  new organ which they get to carry along and walk in circles as they move ahead……the new organ which envelopes more information than a child genius whose I.Q. is above 130…can find you love,sex,friendship…boost your alter ego,gives your thumb soreness….and above all has engineered the need of instant gratification and instant ways to escape……………………that’s why one of the HomoSapien like me doesn’t need to mop or worry for long as there are always so many options,so many apps……..and they are just a touch away or just a beep away from the next best shiny thing rushing my way………

Outgrown :p

I am one of those grumpy people who likes to build her own cocoon and armor up for no reason but then one of the best things about human mind is that it outgrows every state of mind. It’s a different matter that some of us don’t acknowledge that state as then we have to break that comfort cocoon and unlearn few things.However, if we don’t do that,our mind still outgrows the state and wanders by itself…………………………….to make long story short we become one of those people who cannot be described  as nothing but ‘drag’.

So with my limited experiences and exposure in life,I would like to recommend people to enjoy every day,every person,every place,every moment as we are gonna outgrow them someday.hey….I know it sounds pompous of me to make statements like these…but if we look at it in a lighter vein…and ponder how necessary it is for all of us to keep moving on because hey we are not leaving behind things or relationships……we are just moving on and might  make a big circle to get back and cherish the same things and people…….but and but and but……we need to move on…we need to outgrow!

No Plan is the Plan

As I crawl in the new year……..I am busy making lists…..nah not the same old resolutions kinda list…where we plan how much weight one loses or what new ways one can be generous to others….I am trying to make a list of places I need to visit to work on my personal biases ,learn and grow a bit…My list includes visiting political refugee camps in few countries in middle east….taking some road trips…..but then this not a plan…its an itinerary…as I would like to believe, ” No plan is  the plan.”…..


There are some pains or traumas in our lives which haunt us no matter how much we grieve,run for therapy,keep it to ourselves or let it out to every random stranger. I guess that pain becomes a part of the anatomy.It’s part of our character. It’s gonna live as long as we do or may be it lasts even after we die……….

Tomorrow is the fourth death anniversary of my dear best friend, Kavya. As Kavya used to say, “You are a jig saw puzzle with all the Disney Characters…..and you won’t be fun after you are fixed.”

As I grow old….

As I grow old,I desire to be more ‘child-like’;More like a simple straight line which runs parallel along lot of twisted and complicated theories.I am greedy to experience new and old. I am curious to look underneath everything and open stuff and then try to put them back together.I am open for all experiments and walk behind people and also lead them.I want to live the ‘prose’. Because one day when I sit on that creaky old rocking chair……I want to feel as ‘young’ as I could possibly be…………..9FybtVFNSEOxogGzIvHJ_IMG_2226


My last post was titled : ‘Happiness’ so it looks kinna obvious(in an uncomplimentary way..) to make my next title as ‘Grief’….I am not trying to narrate here what I am grieving about but was just wondering how deep is the purpose of grief in one’s life? Is it a mere transaction or has some evolutionary use or ?

Happiness is………….

Happiness is a long conversation with an old friend on a long distance call…

Happiness is the smell of old books which I read over and over….

Happiness is sitting in my mum’s messy kitchen…

Happiness is my naughty dog….

Happiness is smelling that familiar perfume and diving in those warm memories…..

Happiness is when I am on the road to somewhere…..

Happiness is the sunset from the terrace of my apartment building…..

Happiness is when I stare at a blank screen for hours and then the ‘writing Fairy’ offers me a gem of a line to type……………

Happiness is when I am anxious to be happy with someone…………

Happiness is………………….

Happiness is………………

Happiness is………………….

writing a book……

For me writing has been a great medium to drill thoughts out of my head.It has given me the platform to organise my thoughts in some order which satisfies my cynical head……so the day , I decided to tell my thoughts in form ofquote a story and present it to the world…was a kind of surreal.
All those days when I tip-toed around people and tried to sit in a corner and watch them had to be set aside as now I had decided to make money out of my thoughts…out of my writings….out of my book!So here I am trying to get the spot light on me and trying to talk about my thoughts and asking people to listen……….